The savings importations feature is used when adding savings transactions from a different file format into Loan Performer. These savings transactions include importation of savings transactions, savings transfers, charges and rewards. Each of these importations has a unique importation template of the various fields that should be imported.
Before any importation is done carefully note the following:
i. Make sure you have filled-out correctly the importation templates.
ii. Import your chart of account, if need be.
iii.First create and configure your products in Loan Performer (e.g. savings, Loans, shares and Time deposit)
iv. Configure Support Files, e.g., "Funding, donors, business sector, cost centres, ID documents, geographical areas among others".
v. Link GL accounts numbers to their respective products (i.e. shares, savings, loans, and time deposit products)
vi. Define your Cash Accounts and Bank accounts
vii. During data importation process, make sure that you follow a logical order.
viii. Do not reformat the templates to make them suit your own data format, i.e., do not add, modify or delete a column in any of these templates as these changes would make Loan Performer to reject the affected template.
Note that when importing LPF disregards the first row (the headers) so this allows you to change the column headers to something more descriptive.
ix. Each importation template has been filled with sample data to help you understand how you should fill them out.
x. Do not leave empty rows. LPF will stop importing once it encounters an empty row, even if there are 1,000 filled out rows below.
xi. Pay attention to date fields. The date and months fields should be represented by two digits while the months should be represented by four digits, e.g., "01/02/2012". You have to pay particular attention to the date format, noting that the date format in the template should be changed to match the date format that you set at System->Configuration->General.
xii. If LPF requires a number as a character string, e.g., "Voucher Number", enter this with apostrophe like ‘ or make sure the alignment is on the left side.
After taking care of all these points you can then proceed with the importation of the following:
The Nº 1 Software for Microfinance